Final Fantasy, LUFTRAUSERS, Gunpoint, Destiny, Half-Life 2 and more this week with guest Will Blevins. Maybe news…. I don’t know. Did anything happen in the last two weeks?
Humble Bundles, Final Fantasy IX, Brutal Doom, Half-Life, Warcraft and more this week. Plus we discuss Mircosoft’s purchase of Mojang and for the millionth time, yes, I know SURGE is back.
It’s Doom, Quake, Half-Life, Black Mesa, Warcraft, Walking Dead Season 2, and 7 Days to Die this week with our Special Guest Will Blevins. Plus there’s a New 3DS and Saints Row!
This week we celebrate our first episode (Shhhh! Those other ones don’t count!) and talk more RAGE, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, League of Legends, and that whole Zoe Quinn thing. also; WHY THE HELL DID I BUY DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!?!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!
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Kyle sits down for some quality Quake time having never played before. Quake is Love. Quake is Life. — You can watch more livestreams from us in the future over at Once the stream is finished I will usually post it to our YouTube so stay on the lookout for more content!!
Quake is a first-person shooter video game, developed and published by id Software in 1996. It is the first game in the popular Quake series. In the game, players must rage through 32 single player levels and 6 deathmatch levels of sheer terror and fully immersive sound and lighting. Arm yourself against the cannibalistic Ogre, fiendish Vore and indestructible Schambler using lethal nails, fierce Thunderbolts and abominable Rocket and Grenade Launchers.
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This week the Kyles discuss Half-Life 2, World of Warcraft, EA Access and Playstation Now. Plus is Valve ramping up for a new Source engine and maybe a Half-Life 3? Let’s find out!
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Join the Kyles this week as we talk more DOOM, kickflips in OlliOlli, how to pronounce Anachronox, Google’s cool billion spent on twitch, and of course Risk of Rain. All this and MORE!!!!!
State of the Podcast Things are coming along nicely. Kyle and I have loosened up a little bit and are starting to have fun with everything (not bad for the third show!). Video quality is still lacking though. If this persist, we have decided that we will either find a better video format or go to strictly audio. What that will mean for interacting with us live i don’t know but we’ll see. Also because this is recorded live, between 39:00 and 45:00 we take a break so that I can tend to an upset child. if only I had a technical difficulties slide i could throw in there……
On the Horizon
We record next week so be on the lookout if you’d like to join in and chat. Kyle and I plan to record a video of some Risk of Rain. and release it soon. Overall, I’d say maybe a few more of these “Zero(point)” episodes and we’ll be ready to go full blown live. Hope you’re enjoying them because I know we sure are!
Topic:I had the great pleasure of sitting down with my good friend, host and Executive Producer of Metagamers Anonymous, and patriarch of the Prismatic Tsunami community, Erik Carl. We discussed gaming with kids and his latest venture, TsunamiCon!
Support! Support! Support!
Media –
Be sure to check out and support the Tsunamicon Kickstarter, a National level gaming convention based in Wichita, Kansas and being organized by our sister podcast, Metagamers Anonymous. Only good things can come of this……..
With Aaron back from assignment, we talk ever changing items in Legend of Dungeon, replaying the entire Tomb Raider series, contemplate radical strategies in League of Legends, point and clicking in Broken Age, ghost whales in Paranautical Activity, and what the hell is going on at Nintendo? All this and much more on this week’s episode!