RPG Review – 7th Sea Second Edition

 Dan Whorl, Game Reviews  Comments Off on RPG Review – 7th Sea Second Edition
Aug 052021

RPG Review – 7th Sea Second Edition

7th Sea Second Edition cover


At A Glance –

For those of you who don’t know, 7th Sea 2nd Edition is a tabletop RPG set in “Theah”, a world very similar to 17th century Europe.

Pirates, heroes, political intrigue and secret societies in a world peppered with legends and lore, a pinch of sorcery, and a punch of corruption set the backdrop for the fantastic tales of your swashbuckling, savoy heroes.  All told with cinematic flare in this beautiful little 300 page gem by John Wick.

As most of you know, I don’t usually like to compare games that I’m reviewing with other games. That said, this is the 2nd edition of a game that I enjoyed very much so I think the review needs a little comparison to be complete. I really liked the original edition of 7th Sea.  It was a fun and refreshing look at the genre presented in a way that hadn’t really been done before. pussy88

The second edition is trimmed down a bit.  Sleeker mechanics and speedier action make for slightly fewer choices for the players but add so much more to the collaborative storytelling aspect of the game.

In short, I LOVE this edition!

Now that we have that out of the way,

On with the review!

The Book –

The book itself is absolutely beautiful.  The pages are filled with gorgeous and immersive landscapes, believable character portraits, and inspiring scene captures by a team of fantastic artists.  The rules are concise, with examples of execution, well laid out, and easy to find.

The Setting –

As mentioned before, the setting is roughly 17th century Europe with the names changed to protect the innocent.  This allows the players and GM to draw on the shorthand knowledge that they have about the real world country and/or culture upon which it is based.  The first 130 pages or so are dedicated to fleshing out Theah.  This section breaks down the individual countries, some of their collective views and values, a brief overview of the customs, important people, social strata, military, religion, etiquette, etc.  I wanted to just breeze over this section but wound up reading every word.  The attention to detail exercised here really comes through in the final product.  There is even a beautifully rendered coat of arms displayed for each one.  An important detail for a pirate campaign, methinks.

Be sure to click the link below to see a map of Theah!


The System –

The conflict resolution system for this game really sings.  It utilizes a d10 dice pool.  The size of your pool is determined not only by your stats, but also the type of action that you choose to take, as well as how you plan to portray that action in game.  In short, the more cinematic the action and immersed in the character you are, the more opportunities for success you have.  You are rewarded for using different types of actions in a scene, promoting the use of any and all skills that your character possesses.  This helps to eliminate the hack and slash feel that you get with a lot of games.  Sometimes it may make more sense from a productivity standpoint to just slash with your sword again instead of punching the bad guy in the jaw, even though in a lot of cases the right hook would just feel better.  This game rewards that sentiment.

This game approaches scene setting in a manner very similar to the medium that inspired it…

You guessed it, swashbuckling movies!

The scenes are framed by the GM.  The individual players announce how their character would like to approach the problem.  Whether they decide to be talky, sneaky, fighty, flighty, sexy, etc., the GM decides what stats and skills apply. Then he tells the players what the consequences of their actions will be as well as any opportunities that will arise from them. The players roll their dice pool, collecting “raises” (sets of dice that add up to 10) and choose how to spend their raises in regards to completing their goal, overcoming consequences, taking advantage of opportunities, helping out their fellow heroes, etc.  They can also choose to simply fail.

I love this mechanic!

Sometimes the hero gets captured, drops the McGuffin, or slips over the edge.  This game rewards that decision to heighten the tension with something called Hero Points.  Hero Points can be spent later to accomplish truly awesome things when they most matter. (Just like the movies! Huh…imagine that.)

The heroes don’t have “hit points”, they take wounds as a result of bad rolls or choices they made while spending their raises. These wounds are tracked by a portion of the character sheet ominously called “the death spiral.” This is a spiral of circles and stars that get colored in as heroes get injured.  Every fifth wound taken by a hero is a “dramatic wound”. Wounds themselves are no big deal but dramatic wounds serve to heighten the tension of the scene.  And once again, the further down the death spiral the hero falls, the more awesome stuff he can do…

Just like…well, you get it.

The game handles conflict resolution in social situations, action scenes, and large scale battles in pretty much the same manner, what changes is the time that elapses in game and the scale of the conflict.  This, as well, is beautifully executed as it breeds familiarity with the system allowing it to take a back seat to the story sooner regardless of what size or type of pickle the heroes have found themselves in.  Also, because of both the intuitive nature of the system and the speed with which the players and GM achieve familiarity with it, most conflicts are resolved very quickly regardless of size.  There are so many more subtleties to this system that I can’t touch on them all here without just rewriting the rules for you.

As a special note, the naval rules in this game are some of the best that I’ve ever seen.  They come complete with descriptions of the types of ships available, as well as list of the positions and personnel needed to man them. As with a lot of naval legends and lore, ships in this game are characters unto themselves. In this chapter you’ll find superstitions, adventure seeds designed for the advancement of ships, and even rules for bringing them back from the dead.  I’m understating this on purpose.  The naval rules alone are worth the price of the book.

I want to steal them…

…incorporate them into every game I play…

…lie to my players and tell them that they’re mine…

…be revered as the greatest GM of all time…

*rubbing hands together “MUHAHAHAHA!”

Character Creation – 

The character creation process is, for lack of a better word, deep.  In a lot of RPGs you create a framework of a character and hang personality on it like a mannequin.  In 7th Sea Second Edition, this process is front loaded so that when you sit down at the table for your first session you have a fully realized hero complete with an identity, a personality, an outlook, a past, and their own story to tell.  The character creation process begins with a concept and then you are asked to consider 20 questions about your hero.  Most, but not all of these will be answered from your hero’s perspective.

Rest assured this isn’t a hippy-dippy-story-sticky type of game, however.  There are more than 20 pages with lists of traits, backgrounds, advantages, skills, and other things to keep the min-maxers and number jugglers in your group happy.  This doesn’t even count the sorcery section of the book which we’ll get to shortly.

I suggest having a character creation session with your group.  Watching all of the heroes take shape together will both help you as the GM become familiar with the character concepts and you’ll see that the players begin feeding off of the creative energy in the room.

Magic – 

Magic in this game is as varied as the cultures of Theah. Meaning that there is no specific system that governs the use of all magics.

It’s more of a sorcery flavor selection, like a fountain at a large gas station that dispenses magic instead of soda.

Each of the cultures has their own brand of the supernatural and they are all represented very well in the book, beautifully capturing the essence of their superstitions and mysticism.  The chapter on sorcery is worth reading just for the flavor and immersive way that it’s presented.

The GM – 

A lot of the work for a campaign is, like character creation, front loaded because as the GM is building the framework of the story that will be told by the group he must also consider the stories of the individual characters in the group.  At first glance, this game looks like it brings back the “Workhorse GM” concept of running a game but, trust me you get very adept very quickly at leading players through the story once you actually begin playing.  Improvisational GMing is definitely possible with 7th Sea 2nd Edition but that’s no excuse for poor preparation.  The last chapter in the book is extremely informative for both new GMs and those that are just new to the game.  Even old guys like me will probably learn a thing or two.

Read it.

Price Point – $24.99 (PDF) – $59.99 (Hardcover)

For this price, you get the entire game.  No other books are needed to play.  Considering the quality of the book, art, and mechanics, this is a fine price.

Versatility – 

Tabletop RPG experiences are as varied as conversations among friends.  Because of this, the game itself must be versatile in order to stand up to years of playing.  The framework has to be flexible in order to tell a myriad of stories.  While I haven’t had it for years, you can tell when a game is a one trick pony and this one is not.  As well as the swashbuckling stories that were the inspiration for the game, John Wick and company have put together a beautiful toolbox with which to tell tales of dark fantasy, political intrigue, or “lone wolf’ stories ranging from grim-dark street level campaigns to high profile kingdom-shakers.

The choice is yours, it will not disappoint.

Rating – 10 out of 10

I rarely hand out a 10 in regards to an RPG.  My reasoning for this is that any given session of a tabletop RPG exists in a vacuum and the experience is subject to the moods and whims of those around the table. This can make it very difficult to give a game a fair shake upon reviewing if somebody in your game group had a rough day at work.  The way I rate an RPG is by assessing how well it does the job that it sets out to do.

This one performs beautifully.

If you want to tell stories like “The Three Musketeers”, “The Man in the Iron Mask”, “The Mask of Zorro”, “Robin Hood”, etc., this is the game you want.

Final Thoughts – 

 By changing the way that wealth and equipment work to a more abstract system, as well as lossening some of the restrictions on skills and such, the second edition of 7th Sea does trim out some of the bulk of the original edition, this is sure to ruffle some feathers.  That said, I beleive that it was done in good spirit with the motivation being to streamline scene setting and resolution with a focus on getting the players into the action.

To me, this game is a truly romantic exploration of the of swashbuckling genre through the lens of a contemporary tabletop role playing game.

But then again, this is just my humble opinion.

-Dan Whorl

(CarpeGM.net Game Reviews)


Full Disclosure – 

A review copy of 7th Sea Second Edition was given to me by the game developer for an honest review of their product.  No money or further compensation changed hands or has been promised for a good review.  They earned it!

Syrinscape Now Integrated with D20Pro

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Feb 232016

With the growing popularity of RPG’s utilizing a virtual table top, This is BIG news!  I received this press release yesterday and pass it on to you now…

For additional information, contact Jenny Bendel.


Award-Winning Syrinscape Sound App Now Compatible with D20PRO Virtual Tabletop

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (February 22, 2016) – Syrinscape, creator of the award-winning apps that put the power of custom, movie-like sound effects, soundscapes, music, and audio solutions at the fingertips of the gamer, and D20PRO, the Virtual Tabletop that takes roleplaying games from around the table to gamers around the world, are thrilled to announce today the two products are now compatible, creating a dynamic gaming experience for roleplaying gamers everywhere.*

D20PRO comes with the complete rules set for OGL 3.54E and thePathfinder Roleplaying Game systems. However, the powerful tools ofD20PRO work for any game system that utilizes maps, combat on or off a grid, and even games that rely on “theater of the mind.”

“Syrinscape has been one of our most requested integrations, and we are so pleased to make that a reality,” says Tobias Drewry, CEO of Mesa Mundi. “Now game masters running a campaign with D20PRO can easily incorporate Syrinscape’s incredible library of music and sound effects to set the perfect mood for their games.”

With this integration, D20PRO Game Masters will be able to control Syrinscape remotely on the systems of their players. Game Masters will be able to embed objects within D20PRO that can be used to ‘click’ buttons inside Syrinscape, without needing to bring Syrinscape into focus, or having to navigate through any of its menus.

“Now every spell, every location, and every hideous monster roar is right at the finger tips of D20PRO Game Masters,” says Syrinscape creator Benjamin Loomes. “And yes… most importantly, that includes the Wilhelm Scream!”.

D20PRO has created real-time video with an introduction demo on how to incorporate Syrinscape into D20PRO games, using Syrinscape in 3rd-party mode, how to add sound triggers inside D20PRO, and how to configure virtual audio settings.

D20PRO Virtual Tabletop is available to try free with a 30-day Trial License to build campaigns, adventures, and encounters in no time. To start a free 30-day trial, visit, www.d20pro.com/getd20pro/.

The award-winning Syrinscape apps bring fantastic, realistic sound to tabletop gaming. Each is available to try for free, can be completely unlocked for free for 30 days at Syrinscape.com/freetrial, and includes 2 free SoundSets to keep after the trial. To download the free Board Game Player, Sci-Fi Player, or Syrinscape Fantasy Player, visit Syrinscape.com.

*At this time, Syrinscape integration is Windows only, with Mac OS and Linux integration coming soon.

About D20PRO
D20PRO is a Virtual Tabletop (VTT) that takes roleplaying games from around the table to gamers around the world. Experience all the elements of roleplaying while optimizing your play with the powerful D20PRO rules engine–speed up combat, roll a natural 20 on integrated dice, explore vast maps, and bring character sheets to life. No matter what kind of game you’re running,D20PRO is the VTT desktop solution your gaming group needs. Campaign with players throughout the world, and you’ll never miss game night again. Run smooth, accurate combat with D20PRO’s suite of built-in tools ensuring that every bonus, feat, and twist of the rules is accounted for. D20PRO ©2016 Mesa Mundi, Inc. (www.mesamundi.com)

About Syrinscape
Using a powerful audio engine and complex algorithms to produce ever-changing soundscapes and rich encounter-specific music, Syrinscape conjures every aural landscape imaginable, from ethereal forests and stony shorelines, to dank, vermin-filled dungeons, to the spooky depths of the underdark. Designed by accomplished composer and tabletop gamer Benjamin Loomes, along with the developers at the Interaction Consortium, Syrinscape builds on more than 8 years of prototyping and community feedback. Syrinscape is based in Australia. Syrinscape is available for a wide range of devices, including PC, Mac, Android Tablets and phone, iPhones and iPads, and the players can be downloaded via syrinscape for free.

* * *
Sep 172014

Hands down the BEST interview from GenCon!

I had the pleasure of once again catching up with Sean Fannon of Evil Beagle games.  We cover a lot of ground in this one, so hold on tight! Enjoy!

Host – Dan Whorl

Special Guest – Sean Fannon (Evil Beagle Games)




Media – 


Sean’s Pick of the Day (dot)com
Shaintar (dot)com
Evil Beagle Games (dot)com

You can purchase Shaintar and other Evil Beagle products at:
Evil Beagle Products on DriveThru RPG

Follow Sean!
-on Google+
-on Facebook
-on Twitter

Sean Supported:
SpringGiving and ThanksGmaing
and also:
Doctors Without Borders

This episode was made possible by the beautiful folks at GenCon 2014. Be sure to check them out – http://www.gencon.com/




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Feb 092014

lModiphius Entertainment Announces “MINDJAMMER
From Mindjammer Press

Mindjammer Press and Modiphius Entertainment are delighted to announce their partnership to produce the new edition of  Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game , a transhuman science-fiction roleplaying game using the  Fate Core system, written by ENnie Award-winning RPG and fiction writer Sarah Newton (Mindjammer, Achtung! Cthulhu, Monsters & Magic, Legends of Anglerre, Fate Core – Burn Shift, The Chronicles of Future Earth ).

If you would like to review Mindjammer please reply and we’ll send you the pre-release PDF! As usual if you post anything please let us know so we can link to you from our Twitter, Facebook and Modiphius.com press page as thanks!

If you are a fan of the adventure Diablo ll classic and Expansion has to offer you (read more about those games on https://www.yesgamers.com/info/diablo-2-classic-vs-expansion-lord-destruction/) then grab your blaster, thoughtcast your orders to the starship sentience, and fire up the planing engines – come and defend the light of humanity’s greatest civilization as it spreads to the stars!

Have you always wanted to play a modern science-fiction roleplaying game – with consistent yet futuristic science, virtual realites, sentient starships, realistic aliens, and mysterious worlds, yet action-packed and filled with adventure? Mindjammer is your answer. It’s a tabletop roleplaying game about heroic adventurers in the galaxy of the far future. With its hyper advanced technology humankind has spread to the stars, discovering ancient lost colonies and mysterious alien worlds. Using the popular and award-winning Fate Core rules,Mindjammerlets you play hardened mercenaries, cunning traders, steely-nerved pilots, intrigue-filled spies and culture agents, aliens, divergent hominids, artificial life forms, and even sentient starships.

Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game is a 496-page hardback with gorgeous artwork and astrography by industry stalwarts such as Jason Juta, Eric Lofgren, Andreas Schroth, and Ian Stead. It’s a standalone game with everything you need to play, including innovative new rules for alien life, planets, and star systems, organisations, culture conflict, hypertech, starmaps, background material, virtual realities and techno-psionic powers, and much more.

It’s the Second Age of Space – the transhuman adventure is just beginning!

“We’re really excited to be releasing Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game,”said Sarah Newton, co-owner of Mindjammer Press and author of the game.“Chris Birch (Modiphius) and I have worked together on many titles, including the ENnie-award winning Achtung! Cthulhu and first edition Mindjammer, and the ENnie-nominated Legends of Anglerre. It’s great to be teaming up now to bring Mindjammer – The Roleplaying Game and its line of supplements and fiction to a wide and discerning audience, using Modiphius’s proven industry expertise and excellent track record. We’re looking forward to a regular release of Mindjammer products with Modiphius, beginning with the core rulebook this May.”

“Mindjammer was first introduced as an incredible supplement for the enormous Starblazer Adventures RPG and it’s fantastic that Sarah has now developed the universe into such an incredible setting and brought it bang up to date with the Fate Core ruleset. I know Fate and sci-fi fans are going to find one of the best and most comprehensive roleplaying games at their fingertips.” Said Chris Birch, Publisher of Modiphius.

You can pre-order Mindjammer  The Roleplaying Game right now from theModiphius webstore and download the Thoughtcast Edition 496-page PDF immediately. The hardback version of the game is expected to ship in late March, and hit the shelves in May. A free preview is available from

Interviews – Episode 9 – Kevin Rohan

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Oct 092013

silver gryphon
I caught up with Kevin Rohan of Silver Gryphon Games at Archon.

Kevin was gracious enough to give me an interview right there in the dealer room at the convention.  We discuss the titles that Silver Gryphon Games has out presently, some upcoming releases, and a Kickstarter campaign that is currently active.  Enjoy

Be sure to check out Aethermancy,  Silver Gryphon Games’ magic system expansion for the Aether campaign setting!




Media :

Aethermancy (Kickstarter)

Silver Gryphon Games’ website ~ http://silvergryphongames.com/

Silver Gryphon Games on Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/Silvergryphongames

On Google + ~ https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115232558111929038020

On Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/sggames

Kicktater Support Facebook Group~ https://www.facebook.com/KickstarterSupportersAndCampaigns

Kevin Supported : The Michael Rohan Memorial Fund ~

The Michael Rohan Memorial Fund is dedicated to help families find the means to give their children swimming lessons.


Episode 29 – Mail Bag!

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Aug 012013

Carpe GM Gamecast Logo 300x300
Hosts – Dan, Bryan, Steve, Tyler, Mack

Topic – In this episode, our intrepid hosts tackle some questions and comments from our listeners, for better or worse.  Also, we announce our “Gamestore Weirdos” contest.

Notes – The Pathfinder book that was mentioned in this episode is actually  Ultimate Campaign my apologies for the oversight!

Be sure to enter our “Game Store Weirdos” contest….. find out more at https://carpegm.net/contest/



Hear more of The Cold Stares and purchase their music at CD Baby!

Like The Cold Stares?  Find out more:

on their website http://www.thecoldstares.com/

on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thecoldstaresmusic

on Twitter https://twitter.com/thecoldstares

Purchase their latest album “A Cold Wet Night and a Howling Wind” on CD Baby ~ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/thecoldstares2


Subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes!Subscribe on Stitcher Internet Radio!Like us?...Then like us!Follow us!Send us an email at dan@carpegm.netOur HomepageReccomend us on RPG Podcast.com!

Episode 24 ~ Listener Episode 1 ~ Johnny, the Last Blue Dragonborn From the East Side

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Apr 122013

Carpe GM Gamecast Logo 300x300
Hosts – Dan, Bryan, Steve, Mack



Topic – In our first ever Listener Episode, we settle in for a fantastic, and sometimes heated, conversation about ways that character creation can change the canon of your game world.  The topic was provided by our listener, Matthew Parody, from the Probably Questionable Podcast.  Matthew wasthe winner of  his own episode during our rating and review raffle, and has the distinction of being the fist person that I let my co hosts talk to!  The conversation was lively, and there’s no doubt, we will do it again.  Enjoy!



Media – 

Men At Arms Hobbies Inc (Facebook)
Midtown Comics
Iron Kingdoms | Privateer Press
D&D Next Playtest – Wizards of the Coast
Robot Chicken Star Wars
Probably Questionable
IPA Comedy (YouTube)
The Burningmoore Incident (2010) – IMDb



Buy Maple Ridge by Swear and Shake

The music for this episode was provided by:

Swear and Shake

You can find more of their work at:




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Episode 19 – Santa Claws and Other Stories

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Dec 242012

Carpe GM Gamecast Logo 300x300
Hosts – Dan, Bryan, Mack, Steve

Topic – In this, our holiday episode, we discuss the many legends of Santa Claus, his counterparts, and ways to use them in your games.
Don’t forget about our Rating and Review Raffle!
Learn more at https://carpegm.net/contest/

Happy Holidays!

Subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes!Subscribe on Stitcher Internet Radio!Like us?...Then like us!Follow us!Send us an email at dan@carpegm.netOur HomepageReccomend us on RPG Podcast.com!

Episode 18 – Tearing up Wreck it Ralph

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Dec 182012

Carpe GM Gamecast Logo 300x300

Our Rating and Review Raffle is still on!  Act fast, it ends 1/1/2013.  

See https://carpegm.net/contest/ for more details!

!!!Spoiler Alert!!! This episode contains major spoilers for Wreck It Ralph!!!!

Hosts – Dan, Mack, Tyler, Steve, Bryan

Topic – In this episode, we answer(?) yet another listener email.  Then we tear into Wreck It Ralph with a GM’s eye.  We loved the movie and discuss ways to emulate video games in your table top RPGs.

(3:50 ) On Our Horizon

(16:36) Listener email

(32:15) Wreck It Ralph

(107:01) Our Favorite Video Game Movie

Media – 


Lincoln (2012) – IMDb
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (TV Series 2008–2011) – IMDb
Workaholics (TV Series 2011– ) – IMDb
The Totally Rad Show – YouTube
Amazon Prime
Fringe (TV Series 2008– ) – IMDb
Revolution | NBC
Do the Right Thing (1989) – IMDb
Metagamers Anonymous “Today is a Good Day To Die
Wreck-It Ralph (2012) – IMDb
Snakes on a Train (Video 2006) – IMDb
Transmorphers (Video 2007) – IMDb
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (Video 2012) – IMDb
ReBoot (TV Series 1994–2002) – IMDb
The Wizard (1989) – IMDb
QAGS Second Edition (HEX Games)
Car Wars (SJ Games)
Street Fighter (1994) – IMDb
Mortal Kombat (1995) – IMDb
Silent Hill (2006) – IMDb
Resident Evil (2002) – IMDb
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) – IMDb

Tyler supported The 4 day work week

The music for this episode is “Conan” by Mercury Descends
Find them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/MercuryDescends,
on Reverb Nation at http://www.reverbnation.com/mercurydescends,
or on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/MercuryDescends

Subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes!Subscribe on Stitcher Internet Radio!Like us?...Then like us!Follow us!Send us an email at dan@carpegm.netOur HomepageReccomend us on RPG Podcast.com!

Episode 14 – When Science Meets Fiction

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Oct 222012

Carpe GM Gamecast Logo 300x300
Hosts –Dan, Tyler, Bryan, Mack

Topic – In this episode, we answer(?) another listener email.  We also discuss the sci-fi genre  (What is sci-fi and what isn’t?).

We then spend a little time talking about the sub-genres of sci-fi, and close the episode out with a campaign idea from Mack.

(2:40) Another listener email!!! Keep ’em coming!!

(20:48) The sci-fi breakdown

(42:07) Sub-genres

(47:23) An homage to the Steve moment

(56:47) Mack’s game concept

Media – 

MTG: Return to Ravnica
iTunes review
Please feel free to leave one while you’re there!
Critical Hit (podcast)
RPPR Actual Play (podcast)
Sammy and the Punk
Legend (RPG) (Rule of Cool.com)
Pathfinder (RPG)
Don’t Rest Your Head (RPG)
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the Roleplaying Game
Toon (RPG)
Savage Worlds (RPG)
Mutants and Masterminds (RPG)
Hero Games
Margaret Weis Productions
Cloverfield (2008) – IMDb
Super 8 (2011) – IMDb
Fringe (TV Series 2008– ) – IMDb
Mac and Me (1988) – IMDb
Paul (2011) – IMDb
Isaac Asimov (Wikipedia)
Shadowrun (RPG)
Toilet paper dispenser Ipod dock
The Fifth Element (1997) – IMDb
Surrogates (2009) – IMDb
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) – IMDb
Borderlands 2
Firefly (TV Series 2002–2003) – IMDb
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV Series 1993–1999) – IMDb
Cowboy Bebop (TV Series 1998– ) – IMDb
Red Dwarf (TV Series 1988– ) – IMDb
^This is really still on?!?^

Subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes!Subscribe on Stitcher Internet Radio!Like us?...Then like us!Follow us!Send us an email at dan@carpegm.netOur HomepageReccomend us on RPG Podcast.com!