Misc What’s going on in other geek news…. Cracked.com Geek & Sundry Joystiq 2 Responses to “Misc” Comments (2) How about Dragon Quest X? Classic JRPG video game series goes the MMO route to be released on the Wii-U! creinhardt82 May 26, 2012 at 2:26 pmLog in to Reply There was an article on Joystiq about this, I have created a page for their news feed. Lots of news about the current events concerning old school and cutting edge video games. Dan May 27, 2012 at 4:49 pmLog in to Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
How about Dragon Quest X? Classic JRPG video game series goes the MMO route to be released on the Wii-U!
There was an article on Joystiq about this, I have created a page for their news feed. Lots of news about the current events concerning old school and cutting edge video games.