It can be easy to assume that all things geek are the same if you’re not really aware of how vast the genre is. There is such a diverse variety of things in any comic shop that you’re sure to find something you’re interested in on your first visit. Even if you aren’t personally interested in gaming and geekery, you are almost guaranteed to have someone in your life that is. If it happens to be your significant other, don’t blow off their interests, embrace them! I would have a hard time sitting down and trying to join a D & D campaign, but I really enjoy a fantasy board game.
There are so many crafters and artists out there inspired by all things nerdy. If you aren’t familiar with a particular franchise, it’s still easy to get excited about the fun, tangible items that come from it. You don’t have to have seen Evil Dead to appreciate this awesome dress available on Etsy.com!
I love nerdy crafts and am always looking for fun new things to make. Just like when I watch the Transformers cartoon I get excited about the toys and try to find them on eBay,
I can’t wait to find adorable plush Koroks when I watch my boyfriend play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. As a kid, when you saw a show you wanted the stuff. I don’t think that ever went away for me.
I love to get creative with gift giving. Don’t get the gamer in your life cologne or a stock xbox controller, No one wants cologne. To avoid the traditional trip to Wal-Mart December 24th to get that special someone a heartfelt DVD of that movie they mentioned once, I buy presents for the people on my list all year long and keep them in a closet. That way, when the time for gift getting arrives, all I have to do is attempt to wrap them.
Kayt (ChzburgerEnthusiast)
*Notes from Dan* :
You can see some of Kayt’s work at her Etsy Shop. You really should stop in and look around!
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