The Dungeons and Dragons Next playtest is still going on, and will be for a while. Judging from the materials released so far, it looks like Wizards of the Coast is trying to include concepts from most, if not all, of the previous iterations of the game. If you have ever been interested in D&D, I suggest you get involved with this and let them know what you think.
Below is the press release for the latest materials for the playtest.
Dear Dungeons & Dragons Playtester,
Thank you for your continued interest in the D&D Next Playtest. We hope you are enjoying the playtest materials so far.
New Playtest Materials:
This playtest packet includes magic items, some updated monsters, and a revised version of Caves of Chaos.
To retrieve the latest playtest materials, please click here.
And if you’re curious to learn more about what’s going on in the playtest process—and how we’re using your feedback to inform our efforts—check out what Mike Mearls has to say in his weekly Legends & Lore column.
Tell Us What You Think:
It’s not a true playtest unless you give your feedback. We’ll have more playtest materials and a new survey ready for you soon. In the meantime, you can get involved in the D&D Next Wizards Community Group or on Facebook.
Thanks in advance for your participation!
–The D&D Team
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