Aug 062013

Dear Dungeons & Dragons® Playtester,
Download today’s new D&D® Next playtest packet, just in time for the upcoming D&D Encounters™ season, Murder in Baldur’s Gate™, which kicks off with a Launch Event Weekend on August 17th and 18th. This playtest package includes substantial changes to the following classes: barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, and wizard (now called the mage). In addition, you’ll find a new form-fillable character sheet and updates to spells, feats, and much more. For a full list of changes, please consult the Read First document in the playtest package.
Get More Involved!
If you have questions about D&D Next or want to get more involved in the playtest process, here are a few suggestions for getting more involved.
Murder In Baldur’s Gate: Now available for download as part of the D&D Next playtest packet is the Monster Supplement and Events Supplement for the Murder in Baldur’s Gate adventure, available in stores soon! This adventure, which starts a year-long event called the Sundering, can be played at home using D&D Next or in store through the D&D Encounters official play program.
D&D Next Podcast featuring Acquisitions Incorporated: Wizards of the Coast and Penny Arcade proudly present the latest installment of the Acquisitions Incorporated saga, featuring D&D Next! This rollicking series of podcasts chronicles the party’s latest adventure, leading up to the Live D&D Game at PAX 2013. Join Mike Krahulik, Jerry Holkins, Scott Kurtz, and new intern Patrick Rothfuss as they wreak havoc in the Forgotten Realms®. Bring on the laughter and the tears! (Note: This series of podcasts features adults using adult language.) Listen to the first podcast here or download it on iTunes.
D&D Next Livestreams: Interested in seeing how members of D&D Next team playtest the game? Catch the latest D&D Next livestream games most Fridays on the D&D Twitch TV channel, or view them later on the Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channel.
As always, thanks for your involvement in the D&D Next playtest!
– The D&D Team
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